
Founded in 1995, Malcam is a world leader in volumetric measurement systems based on microwave tomography. Malcam systems are especially designed for quality control and quality assurance in wide range of manufacturing processes and for storages. Malcam develops, manufactures and markets online microwave volumetric scanning information robust and high-performance systems for over 29 years. Malcam leading technologies provide highly accurate and repeatable volumetric moisture and density measurements of material. The Malcam MMA®/MMS™ systems are more reliable than alternative methods, which only measure surface / samples of the inspected products.

Malcam by numbers

Install base

Number of scanned products (in toughens)

Years in business
Malcam’s customers using our +30 years of experiences in volumetric microwave scanning technologies. Malcam leading edge inspection systems enhance product quality and reduce production degradations. Leverage in real time whole products critical quality data with MMA/MMS tomography online analytics systems, our customers deliver high quality products, within specification requirement, enhance process understanding and enable to avoid unplanned downtime with high performances early warning capabilities. Malcam’s MMS/MMA volumetric online scanners suite can support production and quality-control managers to anticipate potential problems/issues, and avoids failure/s.
Malcam Ltd. established during 1995 in Israel and Malcam Inc. established in 2005 in the USA. Malcam is a world leader in volumetric moisture & density measurement systems based on microwave tomography.
Malcam’s systems are especially designed for quality control in manufacturing processes in a wide range of industries. With comprehensive registered patents, deployment in over fifty-five (55) countries and various applications worldwide, Malcam’s innovative microwave scanners, data processing technology and data mining systems enable quicker ROI, improve line productivity, and enhance product quality.
Malcam develops, manufactures and market online and offline, volumetric scanning systems based on innovative technology. This technology, which provides highly accurate and repeatable volumetric measurement of material, is more reliable than alternative methods, which only measure surface / sample moisture content.
Malcam’s Moisture and Density measurement technology is integrated into a line of Microwave Measurement Analyzers MMA™ specifically designed to improve line productivity, enhance product quality and reduce merchandise wastage, with an exceptionally fast return on investment rate. They are suitable for an extensive range of industries requiring the ability to measure moisture content and density deviation in their products online, inline and in real-time. Typical examples include manufacturers of rubber, tobacco, fibers, cheese, dry foods, pulp & paper, minerals, and bulk chemicals. With an Israeli headquarters and service centers, Malcam’s systems are operational in hundreds of sites worldwide in various industries and applications.
Malcam team members developed and deployed over 1,200 real-time inspection systems for process control and product quality assessment, using tomography real time robust microwave analyzers.
Malcam as a pioneer entity works closely with several strategic partners that supporting each and every project to become most successful, providing a bottom-top process understanding and top-bottom directions for total quality monitoring of the products.
Malcam expert team (including its sister company technological advisors) brings his vast experience from the environmental and technological arenas, in order to build together the best possible solution, to be especially designed to fit the various needs of Customer's demands.
Malcam started in 2024 deploying MMA®/MMS™ 4.5th generation, real time volumetric, scanning products for controlling production lines, enhancing yields and improve products quality at storages. Malcam, with its sister company, allocated major R&D resources development of new high-speed MMS-8080 scanners, up to six (6) objects per second.
The MMA®/MMS™ 4.5th generation products, deployed successfully in the U.S., India, Brazil, Germany, Canada, Israel and Malawi, providing new ways to control products safety and keeping high levels of quality across production steps and supply chains.
Feb-2024 – at customers sites, seminars for Malcam strategic customers in the US. on Malcam’ MA 4.5th current generation, on the new WinBale s/w tools and on the MMA 5th next generation.
Sep-2023 – Demonstrate 4.5th generation MMA-2022 to strategic customer in Germany.
July-2023 - Malcam demonstrates cutting-edge agri-tech to Brazilian delegations. Read more
May-2023- Malcam exhibited at TABEXPO 2023 in Bologna, Italy, exhibition show advance tomography solutions for tobacco industries.
2020÷2023- Malcam conducting seminars for strategic customers partners and affiliates, across the past five years.